Monday, August 02, 2010

Has it Really Been Six Years?

The epiphany of working for five years seemed to have passed me last year, so I am a bit surprised that it has not in 2010. Perhaps it is the fact that today is exactly six years to the day that I arrived at this office in a tie to a very clean desk ready for me to do my work.

Whenever I think back to 2 August, 2004, I feel profoundly wistful, because I wish I could go back and undo some of the foolish and immature things I did when I started working here. I wish I could have managed things a whole lot better.

Then again, it's never too late. I am grateful for having fantastic experiences of travelling to Tunis for a UN-sponsored conference; Guinea; and recently Mali; and Nigeria.

To tell you the truth, I have not quite gotten over my Nigeria trip; I was beside myself visiting Abuja--it really is a (safe and) noteworthy city to visit!

Every August I start thinking of my last days in Belgium; that frenetic period when we were clearing our rented place in the suburbs of 15 years worth of stuff; the greenery and serenity of the suburbs; the exposure to the "European way" as opposed to the much-flaunted "American way" in Ghana.

I thought that in 2010, I would have landed a UN job(not there yet), or an African Union one(working on it), or one where I could fully exploit my potential of a political scientist, with expertise(10 years writing about, and researching) in comparative regional integration.

My dream to work in an international public organisation where wearing a tie won't give me funny looks is no longer a dream; I think I'm a bit closer to realising it than I ever was.

We'll see.

I still have many deeper dramas to work on.

Still...thank God for 6 years on this job!

And what about you, dear reader? Would 6 years on the job kill you--or make you better?


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 6th anniversary on the same job!
I don't know if I'll be able to stay on a job for so long. My remedy to not staying for so long on a job is not to be emotionally attached to my job, have an excellent working relationship with my colleagues without making them an extension of my social circle, work hard to justify every $$ I earn and to ensure that an "unfillable" vacuum is created when I leave.
Happy anniversary!!!

E K Bensah Jr said...

Thx, Durowaa!

"have an excellent working relationship with my colleagues without making them an extension of my social circle". Now, that's a tough one!

How long have you been working at ur current place now?;-))

Unknown said...

One year and one month. The search is on!!!

Inspector Clouseau said...

Nice work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the “Next Blog” button in the Nav Bar at the top of my blogspot blog. I occasionally just check out other blogs to see what others are doing.


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